Thursday, August 2, 2007

amateur imlive facials

am so tired, typing pretty fast today kinda amazing should prolly type up my homework that is due next week but I have all weekend to do that.
Kinda sad that John Cena isn't going to be at that show thing :( Awwwww oh well. Didn't really care to much for the other two Scoreland wrestlers who were going to be there. Eh not worth 12 bucks or the drive. I am going out to Lansing today, should be exciting! Prolly getting a Tournament deck or something, plus a few rares or something I really wanna pump up my Angel-Samurai deck, yes I do classify it as a Samurai deck becuase it has 12 Samurai in it, 11 Angels, 4 Ravenous Rats, those are kinda random, pornstar tgp but they make opponent discard so they can stay, but yeah then the rest are like enchantments, and instants so yes I do Classify it as an Angel-Samurai Deck! Well anyways prolly gonna go look up random stuff

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